Our Core Values

Trickfish products are designed and manufactured for discerning musicians looking for accuracy, power and reliability while in pursuit of their artistic vision. We strive to deliver intelligently designed product that is easy to operate, is beautiful to look at and yet without compromise, reveals the nuance and subtlety of the player and their instrument. We have a passion for what we do and that love is channeled through strong principles and ideals. We demand the best out of ourselves because without that resolve, the product would be only average – we are not striving to be average.

Quality: We believe that the best quality products only come to fruition when the time is taken to ensure that the concept, design, components, manufacturing processes, testing and packaging are the best they can be – regardless of the price.

Passion: We love our work. We believe that work should be fun and that all creative work is an adventure and a challenge. Our real rewards come when the challenges we set are met and our customer’s expectations are exceeded.

Vision: While we are pragmatic about the work of the day we don’t forget to dream, to explore the stream of consciousness and most importantly, to listen. Creativity is elusive and at times you have to stop and just listen to the world around you to find inspiration. This is where the new realities, ideas and concepts reveal themselves.

Originality: We’re not afraid to do things differently than others have in the past. We’re not trying to just meet the standards that have come before us – at our best we hope to set new standards. We may do things differently and that may not sit well with those who are comfortable with the status quo – so be it. If we choose to do something different it’s because we feel it’s a better way.

Intelligence: We push our minds every day. We learn new things every day. We possess an insatiable, natural curiosity for technology (Geeks) and we simply would die if we weren’t learning something new everyday.

Honesty: We embrace complete honesty and integrity in all we do, say and in our actions. Yes, it’ll get you in trouble sometimes but the alternatives suck.

Respect: We respect our customers and practice the golden rule in all aspects of our day-to-day business.

Excellence: We believe that excellence isn’t a destination, but a way of life and we bring that to work every day. It permeates all that we do and is a prerequisite to becoming a strategic partner or an employee. And we expect this standard when we communicate with our dealers, distributors and customers.

Diligence: We’re diligent, hardworking and will accept only the best efforts from ourselves as well as our strategic partners.

Gratitude: We believe that we are privileged to have customers for what we love to do…